downgrade para php5.2 no Ubuntu – SugarCRM

Recentemente instalei para um cliente o Ubuntu-Server 13 , e o mesmo vem com a versão  PHP 5.3 como default.

Porém uma das soluções (SugarCRM ) que usamos utiliza a versão 5.2 para executar a aplicação, o SugarCRM até na versão 6.5 exige exatamente esta versão do PHP.

Por este motivo tive de  fazer um   downgrade do PHP 5.3 para o php 5.2. após diversas tentativas e leituras de uso de preferências no apt-get para instalar um php 5.2 encontrei este script que resume as tarefas que dever ser realizadas.

# by Ruben Barkow (rubo77)

# Originally Posted by Bachstelze
# OK, here's how to do the Apt magic to get PHP packages from the karmic repositories:

echo "Am I root?  "
if [ "$(whoami &2>/dev/null)" != "root" ] && [ "$(id -un &2>/dev/null)" != "root" ] ; then
  echo "  NO!

Error: You must be root to run this script.
sudo su
  exit 1
echo "  OK";

#install aptitude before, if you don`t have it:
apt-get install aptitude
# or if you prefer apt-get use:
# alias aptitude='apt-get'

# finish all apt-problems:
aptitude update
aptitude -f install
#apt-get -f install

# remove all your existing PHP packages. You can list them with dpkg -l| grep php
PHPLIST=$(for i in $(dpkg -l | grep php|awk '{ print $2 }' ); do echo $i; done)
echo these pachets will be removed: $PHPLIST
# you need not to purge, if you have upgraded from karmic:
aptitude remove $PHPLIST
# on a fresh install, you need purge:
# aptitude remove --purge $PHPLIST

#Create a file each in /etc/apt/preferences.d like this (call it for example /etc/apt/preferences.d/php5_2);
#Package: php5
#Pin: release a=karmic
#Pin-Priority: 991
#The big problem is that wildcards don't work, so you will need one such stanza for each PHP package you want to pull from karmic:

echo ''>/etc/apt/preferences.d/php5_2
for i in $PHPLIST ; do echo "Package: $i
Pin: release a=karmic
Pin-Priority: 991
">>/etc/apt/preferences.d/php5_2; done

# duplicate your existing sources.list replacing lucid with karmic and save it in sources.list.d:
#sed s/lucid/karmic/g /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/karmic.list

# better exactly only the needed sources, cause otherwise you can get a cachsize problem:
echo "# needed sources vor php5.2:
deb karmic main restricted
deb-src karmic main restricted

deb karmic-updates main restricted
deb-src karmic-updates main restricted

deb karmic universe
deb-src karmic universe
deb karmic-updates universe
deb-src karmic-updates universe

deb karmic multiverse
deb-src karmic multiverse
deb karmic-updates multiverse
deb-src karmic-updates multiverse

deb karmic-security main restricted
deb-src karmic-security main restricted
deb karmic-security universe
deb-src karmic-security universe
deb karmic-security multiverse
deb-src karmic-security multiverse
" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/karmic.list

aptitude update

apache2ctl restart

echo install new from karmic:
aptitude -t karmic install $PHPLIST

# at the end retry the modul libapache2-mod-php5 in case it didn't work the first time:
aptitude -t karmic install libapache2-mod-php5

apache2ctl restart


Sobre Marcio Junior Vieira

Atualmente atua como Cientista de Dados da Ambiente Livre. Evangelista de tecnologias Open Source e Free Software desde 1999. Data Scientist, Data Engineer e Big Data Expert. Certified Pentaho Solutions Consultant. Alfresco ECM & Activiti BPM e Camunda BPM Expert. Scala, Java, PHP, Python and JavaScript Programmer.
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3 respostas para downgrade para php5.2 no Ubuntu – SugarCRM

  1. deocleciano disse:

    Poderia por favor me passar mais detalhes?

  2. Pingback: Ubuntu Php5.3의존성 설치 | vncodenavi's dev blog

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